@database QBox.guide @rem $Date: 95/11/27 23:50:39 $ $Revision: 1.14-2 $ @wordwrap @INDEX index @node MAIN "QBox copyright 1995 T.L.Bullock" Legal texts> @{u}@{b}QBox@{ub}@{uu} @{fg shine} Copyright 1995 Tony 'hAVoC' Bullock. All Rights Reserved. Not for Commercial use. @{fg text} - Versions v1.14, v1.14 and v1.14e - @{" Legal " link Legal} Conditions of use, Copyright & Disclaimer @{" Registration " link Register} Please read if you have not registered yet @{" Introduction " link Introduction} Foreword and tips on PD list processing @{" Installation " link Install} Initial installation @{" Usage " link Usage} How to configure and use QBox @{" Contact " link Contact} How to contact the author @{" Credits " link Credits} Who, what etc was involved @{" History " link History} QBox change-log @{" Future " link Future} Features that might be added some day @{" Restrictions " link Restrictions} Know its limitations @{" Known Bugs " link Bugs} Things to swot someday @{" Index " link Index} Index to this guide @endnode @node Legal "QBox: Legal texts" @{u}@{b}COPYRIGHT NOTICE@{uu}@{ub} QBox is a copyrighted product that is available to you through the SHAREWARE concept. The full version (vX.XX/vX.XX and as indicated in the @{"About" link UseAbout} window) is NOT public domain (or derivative there of) and as such any unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this product in its REGISTERED form is strictly prohibited. However, the EVALUATION version (vX.XXe and as indicated in the About window) may be freely distributed as freeware (note: copyright remains with the author). This product may only be used under the following terms of license. @{u}@{b}TERMS OF LICENSE@{ub}@{uu} All references to "QBox","product", "package", "programs", "software" and "documentation" refer to the set of files contained within the QBox archive including any documentation, examples or other files in the original distribution as produced and published by the author, T.L.Bullock. This license is for the Commodore Amiga version only. Any references involving "written permission" refer to documentation outside of this product's distribution. Any such documents will be supplied from the author, by the author via "snail" mail, if the author agrees to any proposals made by parties concerning the use, distribution, transfer, copying, sublicensing and/or modifications to the product. The following terms of licence refer to two different versions: the evaluation version and the registered shareware version. Unless otherwise stated conditions refer to both versions. Versions may be identified by the @{"About" link UseABout} window of QBox (clearly stating either EVALUATION or REGISTERED SHAREWARE therein). Version numbers generally indicate which form of distribution you have: vX.XX/vX.XX for registered versions, vX.XXe for evaluation versions, so, v1.12e is the evaluation version of the registered versions v1.12/v1.12 . Always check the About window to be sure. @{u}@{b}1a. EVALUATION distribution (indicated by vX.XXe):-@{ub}@{uu} The DEMO version may only be distributed in it's original unmodified form; this archive containing the following unaltered files:- QBox-vX.XXe : QBox executeable (where vX.XXe is the current version number e.g. v1.14e) QBox.guide : This document Install : Installer script QBox.readme : Notice S/ReadMe : Brief note concerning examples S/Startup.QBox : Example button script S/StartMenu.QBox : Example menu script S/QBox/EgButton.QBox : Another example button script S/QBox/EgMenu .QBox : Another example menu script Libs/Explode.library : Explodes executeable Fonts/Basic : Large font Fonts/Basic/32 Fonts/Basic.font Fonts/smallfont : Small fallback font Fonts/smallfont/6 Fonts/smallfont.info Fonts/Thinpaz : Normal font (10 isnt used) Fonts/Thinpaz/8 Fonts/Thinpaz/10 Fonts/Thinpaz.font [All root files above have icons copyright T.L.Bullock] -If your EVALUATION distribution varies from the above then it is invalid and you should seek out a better supplier (email users may ask for a free EVALUATION distribution direct from the author although the author does not in anyway guarentee reply). -You may NOT distribute QBox (EVALUATION) without the accompanying unaltered documentation. This documentation MUST contain the copyright notice, terms of license and the disclaimer. -You may charge a fee to recover distribution costs. This fee for diskette distribution may not exceed the cost of obtaining a public domain diskette from the Fred Fish collection. In any case this value may not exceed 2 sterling (British). @{u}@{b}1b. Full REGISTERED SHAREWARE versions (indicated by vX.XX/vX.XX ):-@{ub}@{uu} -You may NOT copy, modify, distribute, sublicense or transfer the REGISTERED version of this product without the witnessed written permission of the author. Any attempt to do so will be seen as an infringement of copyright and may lead to prosecution. -No person(s) or business(es) other than the author are authorised to accept any registration fees or distribution fees in any form for the SHAREWARE versions of QBox. Commercial licenses concerning the distribution of the SHAREWARE versions are subject to negotiation with the author (see @{"Contact" link Contact} for address}. The archive should contain:- QBox-vX.XX : QBox executeable (where vX.XX is the current version number e.g. v1.14) QBox-vX.XX : Micro (mini) version QBox.guide : This document QBoxQRef.gif : Gif image for identifying button functions Install : Installer script QBox.readme : Addendum and notice S/ReadMe : Brief note concerning examples S/Startup.QBox : Example button script S/StartMenu.QBox : Example menu script S/QBox/EgButton.QBox : Another example button script S/QBox/EgMenu .QBox : Another example menu script Libs/Explode.library : Explodes executeable Fonts/Basic : Large font Fonts/Basic/32 Fonts/Basic.font Fonts/smallfont : Small fallback font Fonts/smallfont/6 Fonts/smallfont.info Fonts/Thinpaz : Normal font (10 isnt used) Fonts/Thinpaz/8 Fonts/Thinpaz/10 Fonts/Thinpaz.font [All root files above have icons copyright T.L.Bullock] @{u}@{b}2. Coverdisks and Compilations@{ub}@{uu} This product may not be distributed on magazine coverdisks or as part of a compilation disk in any form without written permission of the author. See [1b] for further restrictions. @{u}@{b}3. Hacking etc.@{ub}@{uu} Under no circumstances may any copyright notices, license notice, disclaimer or program data be altered, hacked or otherwise changed. @{u}@{b}4. Distribution@{ub}@{uu} You may not copy, modify, distribute, sublicense or transfer this product except as expressly provided under this license. Any attempt to otherwise copy, modify, distribute, sublicense or transfer this product is void, and will terminate your rights to use this product. @{u}@{b}5. Licensing@{ub}@{uu} Any parties recieving a valid copy of this product will be be subject to the same terms of license as stated here unless the author gives witnessed written permission to the contrary. In the event of such permission the terms stated therein are directed explicitely at said parties. Any receiver of a distribution made by said parties are bound by this license only. No subsequent restrictions may be imposed and/or amended to those granted herein. @{u}@{b}6. Acceptance of Terms@{ub}@{uu} By using, copying and/or distributing this product you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so and all accompanying terms and conditions. @{u}@{b}7. Reverse Engineering@{ub}@{uu} You may NOT decompile, dissassemble, re-source or otherwise reverse engineer any of the programs that make up this product. @{u}@{b}8. Product Use@{ub}@{uu} You may not use any part of this product in part or in whole in other program(s) without the written permission of the author, with the exception of this license notice, which may be altered appropriately for your own product. This is done at the users own risk. @{u}@{b}9. Cessation of Distribution@{ub}@{uu} You agree to cease distributing this product (programs and data) if requested to do so by the author, even if the author has granted permission previously. @{u}@{b}10. Withdrawal of Product@{ub}@{uu} The author reserves the right to withdraw the product from the market place without warning. The author will only make such alterations where a new version and/or the economic climate form a reason to do so. @{u}@{b}11. Price Changes@{ub}@{uu} The author reserves the right to alter subscription charges for newer versions without advance any notice. Orders made to the value of a previous version will only be entitled to that previous version. @{u}@{b}DISCLAIMER@{ub}@{uu} THIS PRODUCT COMES WITH NO WARRANTY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY OF PERFORMANCE OF THIS PRODUCT IS WITH YOU, THE PRODUCT USER. SHOULD THE PRODUCT PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR OTHER PARTY WHO MAY REDISTRIBUTE THE PRODUCT AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PRODUCT TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PRODUCTS). EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THIS PRODUCT IS VIRUS FREE. HOWEVER, THE AUTHOR TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE PRESENCE OF ANY VIRUSES THAT MAY HAVE INFECTED YOUR DISTRIBUTION. @{u}@{b}DISTRIBUTION VERSION NOTES@{ub}@{uu} You may still be confused as to which version of QBox you are using. As of v1.12e all evaluation versions are denoted by vX.XXe. That is v1.13e, v1.14e, v2.00e all denote evaluation versions. The word EVALUATION should be present in the @{"About" link UseAbout} window too. Note: No evaluation version was available prior to v1.12e. Registered versions are denoted by vX.XX and vX.XX (the vX.XX a cut down version of vX.XX for general day to day use, where as vX.XX contains extras such as the preference editors). So, v1.13 and v1.13 are both REGISTERED versions, so too are v1.14 and v1.14 , v2.00 and v2.00 . The words REGISTERED and SHAREWARE are present in both vX.XX and vX.XX About windows. @{b}T.L.Bullock 1995. All rights reserved. @{ub} @endnode @node Register "QBox: Registration" @{b}@{u}Registration@{uu}@{ub} Sick of the restrictions of the Evaluation version? Sick of only being able to have 4x4 buttons? Sick of being restricted to I/O buffers of upto 1024? Sick of having to manually edit button and menu scripts? Sick of only being able to add 3 menu items? Sick of that annoying About requester? Well, theres a simple solution - REGISTER! Registering for QBox is a cheap way of saving lots of frustrated hair pulling. Go on, treat yourself... @{u}@{b}What do you get?@{ub}@{uu} Registered users will receive a disk containing the latest release (or the last release your fees cover (see @{"Terms of license" link Legal} section 11) of QBox. You will also receive the most uptodate release of TLB-Tools covering sorting, cross-referencing, file subtraction, basic file processing etc. Further more, special discounts may be extended to registered users for future updates and other shareware titles by the same author. Registered versions have all those annoying forced About windows, I/O, matrix and menu list restrictions removed. Not satisfied? Well, the registered distribution contains two versions of QBox: a full version with preference editors and a cut down version for day to day use. It also comes with a quick reference image to help you in learning QBox's numerous editor buttons. @{u}@{b}How to Register - private@{ub}@{uu} (Read carefully) In order to receive the latest REGISTERED SHAREWARE version you must first send a registration fee to the value of 2 (UK sterling). An additional sum must be paid to cover postage: @{b}UK Residents@{ub} In addition, people recieving a copy on mainland Britain should add (UK sterling) for each copy of QBox ordered to cover postage and packaging. The total fee ( 3.50 UK sterling) should be mailed to the author at the below address in the form of a postal order made out to "T.L.Bullock" in the payee line. @{b}Non-UK Residents@{ub} People ordering from outside of mainland Britain should add 3.00 (UK sterling) to cover post and packaging. The total fee ( 5.00 UK sterling) should be mailed to me in British legal tender (ie. a British five pound note) sandwiched in a greetings card to disguise the envelopes contents. NOTE: I disclaim any responsibility for the loss of any moneys lost in the postal system. By mailing me cash you take full responsibility until it reaches me personally. I will only mail a registered version of QBox when the @{b}correct@{ub} moneys have reach me personally. Please send the correct registration fees and the registration form (template and examples elsewhere in this section) to:- Tony Bullock c/o 74A Shilton Road, Carterton, Oxfordshire, OX18 1EL, England (Europe). Mark the top left corner of the envelope with "QB". @{b}Registration Form (template)@{ub} Please include the following details (print out the following few lines if you like):- Product: QBox Current Version: v__.____ Name: _____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________ Where did you obtain your QBox EVALUATION version? ___________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Fees Paid: Registration Postage (Mainland UK 1.50, Overseas 3.00) + Example form:- ________________________________________________________ | | | Product: QBox Current Version: v1.14e | | | | Name: Fred Bloggs (IRC nick: Bloggy) | | Address: 1176 Mane Street, | | Yawk, | | Yawkshyre, | | England. | | Phone: +44 01913 013049 | | | | Where did you obtain you QBox EVALUATION version? | | src.doc.ic.ac.uk:pub/aminet/util/wb/QBox-v1.14e.lha | | | | Fees Paid: Registration 2.00 | | Postage + 1.50 | |________________________________________________________| Please allow anything up to four weeks for despatch. You will usually receive your registered version ASAP, but in the event of a new version nearing completion I may delay until the new version is completed (unless you request that I send you a version immediately). NOTE: The prices shown above are correct at the time of writing this doc (27th Nov 1995) and are subject to variation. The author will only make such alterations where a new version and/or the economic climate form a reason to do so. If in doubt of the current price you may write for a quote to the above address or email me on e0190162@brookes.ac.uk. @{u}@{b}How to Register - commercial ventures@{ub}@{uu} This product can be registered to a group/company (subject to the authors disgression) for a set fee negotiated with the author. Please @{"contact" link Contact} the author for further details. @endnode @node Introduction "QBox: Introduction" @{u}@{b}Introduction@{ub}@{uu} QBox is a SHAREWARE utility that is designed to aid you, the user, in launching applications and CLI programs. QBox, can be used to save typing in CLI by enabling you to specify button/menu text and associated command line calls (and even scripts) simply, with no fuss or hassle. Many utilities have attempted (some even succeeding) to fill this role, however, complicated preference systems, command data restrictions and extortionate registration costs have dogged most, if not all, such systems. The QBox project is an attempt to fill some of these gaps. # @ @ ---oOO-(_)-OOo--- @endnode @node Install "QBox: Installation" @{u}@{b}Installation@{ub}@{uu} @{u}@{b}Requirements@{ub}@{uu} Before I list the requirements I should mention I have only tested this program on a vanilla A1200 (okay its got an 80mb HD and an external XL drive - but no extra ram, fpu, mmu, 030 (gimme), 040 (yes please), 060 (donations welcome)) and a CD32. Required: An Amiga - PC, Mac, Oric, BBC B and other similarly (un)sophisticated users need not apply. OS3.0+ - OS3.0 and OS3.1 tested. Might work with OS2.04+. GadToolsBox.library - v38.45+ (some earlier versions might work) ASL.library - v39.4+ (some earlier versions might work) DiskFont.library - v39.3+ (some earlier versions might work) Recommended: A harddisk - Not really necessary but it speeds things up and is what QBox was really designed for. Saying that floppy user shouldn't be put off. @{u}@{b}Installing QBox@{ub}@{uu} Simply click on the Install-QBox icon and enter data as prompted. Alternatively, type the following:- copy QBox Sys:wbstartup/QBox copy QBox.info Sys:wbstartup/QBox.info copy QBox.guide Locale:help/english/QBox.guide copy fonts fonts: all clone The various libraries required (see above) are present on your Workbench 3.x disk. The author claims no copyright of the freeware or PD fonts used in QBox. @{u}@{b}Things you should know@{ub}@{uu} QBox will, when started without a BUTTON parameter (see @{"Usage" link Usage}) , attempt to locate a preference file called "S:Startup.QBox". If this file does not exist then a default matrix is used. At startup QBox will also attempt to load a menu preference file called "S:StartMenu.QBox" if MENU parameter is not specified. A temporary file called "RAM:QBoxEXEC.temp" is created whenever the \S option is used in a @{"script" link UseScript}. This is removed after QBox has finished running the QBox script. Help calls up Sys:utilities/MultiView and loads Locale:help/english/QBox.Guide. Both may be changed via @{"ToolTypes" link UseTTypes}. @endnode @node Usage "QBox: Usage" @{u}@{b}Usage@{ub}@{uu} QBox can be started from either workbench or shell. Either way you will open a "Main" window filled with a number of buttons (default is 5). @{u}@{b}Quick Start@{ub}@{uu} (links only available to REGISTERED users) @{" Show QRef Image (in guide) " link "QBoxQRef.gif/main"} @{" Show QRef Image (PPShow 640x512x4) " system "PPShow QBoxQRef.gif"} @{u}@{b}General Usage@{ub}@{uu} @{" Main Window " link UseMain} Start here then read as required @{" Pull-down Menu " link UseMenu} @{" Button Prefs " link UseBPref} [Not evaluation version] @{" User Menu Prefs" link UseUPref} [Not evaluation version] @{" Misc Prefs " link UseMPref} [Not evaluation version] @{" Tool Types " link UseTTypes} @{" File Formats " link UseFormats} Evaluation users need to know this @{" Scripts " link UseScript} All users need to know this @{u}@{b}Shell usage@{ub}@{uu} Synopsis: QBOX [[BUTTONFILE=]] [[MENUFILE=]] [[TIMEOUT=]] [[DEFFILE=]] Template: BUTTONFILE,MENUFILE,TIMEOUT/K/N,DEFFILE Options : BUTTONFILE Path and filename of QBox button prefs file MENUFILE Path and filename of QBox menu prefs file TIMEOUT/K/N Period QBox runs with no interaction DEFFILE Path and filename of amigados script if QBox times out Example : QBOX S:BootStart.QBox S:BootMenu.QBox 20 S:Startup-Sequence means start QBox and load S:BootStart.QBox into the button matrix and S:BootMenu.QBox into the user menu list. If the user fails to interact with QBox for 20 seconds, QBox will launch S:Startup-Sequence and automatically quit (ideal for choosing multiple startups) Defaults (unless otherwise defined in icon ToolTypes): BUTTONFILE S:Startup.QBox MENUFILE S:StartMenu.QBox TIMEOUT/K/N Infinite (ie. TIMEOUT<1) DEFFILE Null Note : DEFFILE Only works in conjuction with TIMEOUT/K/N The DEFFILE script should be a standard AmigaDos script. However, in order to control how this script is run you can prepend the file with ;\ followed by a QBox command (RNXH) to the first line. You may not use comands B, M and S. For more on QBox commands see @{"script" link UseScript}. @endnode @node UseMain "QBox: Usage / Main Window" @{u}@{b}Main Window@{ub}@{uu} @{b}QBox v1.12 1995 T.L.Bullock@{ub} window @{" Prefs " link UseMain} @{" Button " link UseMainBut}@{" Button " link UseMainBut} @{" Button " link UseMainBut}@{" Button " link UseMainBut} This window is where the day to day use of QBox will occur once the user has configured the preferences to their liking. For the purposes of documentation we shall call this the @{b}Main Window@{ub} although any @{"user-defined title" link UseMPTitle} may be used in the title bar. The button marked Prefs opens all three preference editors. If all three are already open then they are all closed. This button is only available in the REGISTERED version of QBox. Registered users see @{"Button Prefs " link UseBPref} @{"User Menu Prefs" link UseUPref} @{"Misc Prefs " link UseMPref} @endnode @node UseMainBut "QBox: Usage / Main Window / Button"
@{u}@{b}Buttons@{ub}@{uu} QBox supplies numerous user-definable buttons ("prefs" is NOT user-definable). The number of these buttons is defined using @{"Dim X" link UseBPDimX} and @{"Dim Y" link UseBPDimY} in the @{"Button Prefs" link UseBPref} window. Each button consists of an appropriate button name with an associated command script. These are defined in the @{"Button Prefs" link UseBPref} window in the text entry boxes labelled @{"Button" link UseBPName} and @{"Command" link UseBPCmd} respectively. Activating a button can be done by pressing the left mouse button when the mouse pointer is over the desired button OR by pressing the defined keyboard shortcut (indicated by the underlined letter in the button text). Activating on a button will result in one of two actions, depending on whether or not the Button Prefs window is visible:- a) With the Button Prefs window hidden (default) the command script for the button selected will be executed. b) When the Button Prefs window is visible the button name and command details will appear in the Button Preference window for editing purposes. The current command script will not be executed in this mode of operation. @endnode @node UseMenu "QBox: Usage / Menu"